Embark on a spectacular venture across diverse anime worlds with Anime: The Last Battle, an engaging 2D fighting game that promises an electrifying experience for anime enthusiasts. Plunge into battles utilizing over 30 iconic heroes and villains, handpicked from a broad spectrum of popular anime and manga series.
Imagine engaging in combat with an array of characters with unique abilities, from the agile ninjas and valorous heroes to the enigmatic shinigamis and powerful wizards. The thrill lies in the mash-up of fighters from various universes, offering the unique opportunity of pitting characters against each other that would otherwise never cross paths.
The control scheme is designed with simplicity in mind, ensuring smooth maneuvering across the battlefield. Advance with taps to the left or right, execute quick dashes with double taps, and outmaneuver opponents by teleporting or guarding against their assaults. Unleash deadly combos with repeated attack button presses and build up momentum to perform super or ultimate moves that can turn the tide of battle.
In this game, victory is determined by depleting your opponent's health bar to zero. Moreover, team mode provides dynamic strategic gameplay, allowing switches between characters mid-fight to tailor combat style.
Catering to both casual fighters and seasoned battle aficionados, this title delivers a responsive and thrilling gaming experience. It stands out through its ease of play and deep roster of characters, providing countless hours of entertainment right at your fingertips. As players dive into this universe of endless battles, they prepare to push the limits of strategic aptitude and combat prowess.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 5.0 or higher required
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